Hello Abhilash ,
1.) Regarding how to run multiple tests one after the other:
Basically you can create a drive test, this is a new test which you add to it all the tests you’ve created by using the “Insert Call to Run Test” feature (You can find it in the upper toolbar under the Edit tab).
2.) Regarding how to deal with a dynamic changed Application:
Basically in the Application’s object there are 2 main properties which bound the object to a specific window,and these are the “regexpwndtitle” and the “regexpwndclass” – try to update these properties and check if the tests do run as expected:
First try to change the “regexpwndtitle” property, specify a part of the “regexpwndtitle” string (Mainly the part of string that never changes) and check if this fixes the problem;
If not then please remove the string in the”regexpwndclass” property and check again to see if the issue was gone.
Hope this helps.