Calling Zaptest via external code

Calling Zaptest via external code

Home Forums Ask Expert Calling Zaptest via external code

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Kirill Bulatnikov.
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  • #31670
    Jonathan Borthwick

      Can I make my own software to run Zaptest scripts? Is there an API?
      The reason I ask is I want to automate UI testing, check a database to see the result and then have Zaptest generate its summary of success or failure. How can I make my own custom enhancement like that?
      In a web browser’s JavaScript / VBscript , I’d make an API call to check a value and continue in a callback but it seems like Zaptest ca’t do this? I know that Selenium can…

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Regarding external run of ZAPTEST
        You can use command line execution of ZAPTEST and integrate it with some batch file or to Jenkins. See “Integration with Jenkins” thread on the top of the forum.
        Also HP ALM integration allows execute ZAP scripts from ALM via external call.

        Regarding API calls – we have no support of such kind if procedures at the moment.

        ZAPTEST Team

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