Application not found

Application not found

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  • #31095
    Aaron Jacob

      Hey ,
      I’m currently trying to test a login screen , I’m able to launch it but at the next login window(has a delay for it checks for updates) it says application not found. I tried increasing the timeout value also but I still got the same error.
      I could use some help with this issue , waiting for your immediate reply.


      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello Aaron
        In your attached script I can see at the first sight you not set method for the object (line 5)

        Another thing is Exist timeout that you set in lines 11 and 17 – 2000 it is only 2 seconds so it is really short time and in case of any delay of application loading there is a huge chance that objects will not be found. And BTW “true” option for Exist is set by default so you not need to specify it every time. Please try updated script that I did attached.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Aaron Jacob


          I couldn’t open your script file as I’m using the free version , I updated the script but I’m still getting the same error
          I’ve attached the updated script .


          Kirill Bulatnikov

            Hey Aaron, converted file to free version format and slightly updated.
            Can you please try to run it.

            If this time it not work as well can you please re-run your TotalCloud application and re-scan it to new ZAP script file. Then save it (even w/o script text itself – only repository) and then upload it here.

            Aaron Jacob


              Thanks for the update but I’m still getting the same error over and over again.
              I’ve attached the Repo and script


              Kirill Bulatnikov

                Aaron, which one step you have problem with (line #)?
                I have installed this application and tried to run your initial script (except line 2 which refers to your local folder) and it works until line 14 where I can see this object doesn’t really presented (however I believe it is because I have no previous session to restore).

                I created very basic script for this application – can you please try to run it.

                Can I also ask you to record your manual test steps with Recorder and upload somewhere to see how it works on your side?


                Aaron Jacob


                  I’m having the problem from line #11 onward it says ‘ application not found ‘ . Till the Restore last session it works fine , once it reaches that screen it just stops every single time. I’ve attached the result


                  Aaron Jacob

                    Btw Is Zaptest designed to work with game engines like unity 3D ??

                    Kirill Bulatnikov

                      OK Aaron, got it. I thought you have problems from the beginning.
                      In latest lines I can see you set up appearence to 2 and 3 – in your case you do not need to use it – it is only necessary if you have fully identical objects on the screen simultaneously. In our case “Best Match” should work well.

                      Please try updated script.

                      Kirill Bulatnikov

                        [quote=”aaron” post=4230]Btw Is Zaptest designed to work with game engines like unity 3D ??[/quote]
                        We can work with games but for good recognition ZAPTEST will need pretty much static objects, like sidebar, settings menu etc. Validation of video/gaming content is hard to do and inefficient in most cases.

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