
Agile Testing with ZAP-fiX

Agile Testing with ZAP-fiX

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  • #30407
    ZAP Technologies

      [size=150:fcw5e54h][color=#BF0000:fcw5e54h]Agile Testing[/color:fcw5e54h][/size:fcw5e54h]

      Test automation in today’s industry feeds into the post release of automation under test in the lifecycle. Object recognition is API based. Testing can only begin after the application is developed. This contradicts the meaning of testing by limiting the testing phase to the very end of the lifecycle. This skips vital steps in the process and leaves countless room for error.

      Our solution offers an approach to automating testing at the very beginning of the lifecycle – starting from the design phase. The ZAP-fiX Object Workbench allows the collection of test objects of the GUI image/mock-up. By the time the actual application is ready to be tested, we have the test automation framework completed.

      You can see more, here:

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