80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRES

80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRES

Home Forums Ask Expert 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRES

  • This topic has 14 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Nav Qamar.
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  • #31038
    pankaj patil

      Hi I am using Zap test first time and I am using windows8 Pc .

      I am trying to create the script and after creation when I am trying to execute I get below error ,

      Script Error Error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {78A51822-51F4-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

      Can you please help me to identify issue and resolve it so that I can use this tool.

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello pankajpatil59,

        Please save your testing script and restart the machine, then try again to execute it.


        Valentin ZAP

          Hello Pankajpatil59!

          Do you still have this issue after rebooting the PC? CLSID {78A51822-51F4-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064} is PDM Library. Probably your system library was replaced by version from VisualStudio. It means that you have or had installed VisualStudio and probably your PDM is corrupted. It could be the reason of wrong uninstallation process of VS.

          Basically after uninstalling VS, uninstaller should revert PDM to the system version of PDM library.

          They ways of resolving the problem:
          1. Try to reboot PC
          2. If you have installed VS (or uninstalled one) you could install/reinstall it
          3. Use system PDM instead of version from visual studio (if you have installed VS). You should change COM registration (in registry).

          Let us know if you still have this problem.

          Thank You,
          Your ZAPTEST Team

          Nav Qamar


            Not sure if this was ever resolved, but I’m experiencing a similar issue as pankajpatil59.

            I’m using a Win7 machine & can’t for the life of me run a Script-less test for the ‘Demo’ test.

            I’ve saved the script & tried rebooting my machine, but unfortunately it’s not rectified the issue.

            Additionally, when selecting ‘Skip’ or ‘Retry’, Chrome opens up a new window with the following content:

            ZapTest Demo Script
            02/14/19 16:33:35 (Total Run Time: 00:00:15)

            0% All steps failed.

            0% – 0 steps of 1 completed with Passed status.
            0% – 0 steps of 1 completed with Information status.
            0% – 0 steps of 1 completed with Warning status.
            100% – 1 step of 1 completed with Failed status.

            Tests / Iterations
            1ZapTest Demo Script.zap

            Show entriesSearch:
            Line View Object Step Parameters
            0 Script Error Error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {78A51822-51F4-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).
            Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entriesPrevious1Next
            Total Passed 0 Total Failed 1
            © Copyright ZAPTEST, Inc. 2019

            Any help would be appreciated.

            Thank you.

            Valentin ZAP

              Hello, nqamar!

              You have to re-register your mdm and pdm COM libraries: Please Check This Post: Reregister system DCOM MDM

              Then perform the following command (register pdm), using the same “Adminstrator Command Line”:

              • C:WindowsSysWOW64>regsvr32.exe pdm.dll


              Reboot your PC and check the results. Let us know if you still have this issue.

              Thank you,
              ZAPTEST Team

              Nav Qamar

                Hey AndreySh.

                Thank you for your response.

                I’ve attempted to follow the steps listed in https://www.zaptest.com/forum/zaptest-best-practices/4057-impersonation-level-is-invalid-0x80070542, but I can’t find Machine Debug Manager in the Service window. I’ve also tried searching for mdm.xe, but that doesn’t appear to be on the laptop either.

                Is there anything else you might be able to suggest, please?

                Thank you.

                Valentin ZAP

                  Hello Nqamar!

                  Did you register pdm.dll? Does it help? Don’t forget to restart your PC.

                  Please provide the version of the OS which you are using.

                  Thank you,
                  ZAPTEST Team

                  Nav Qamar

                    Sorry to be a nuisance AndreySh!

                    I’m getting the following messages when following the steps:

                    The OS is Windows 7 Enterprise.

                    Valentin ZAP

                      No problem! We are here to help you!

                      We have Windows 7 Pro x64 (clean version, without additional software) and we have this file in this folder. We are going to check the Enterprise version.

                      Do you have x64 edition of your OS? If not you should use C:WindowsSystem32 path instead of SysWOW64. Could you check it?

                      pdm.dll is a system library, if you are missing it you can check system integrity by executing the following command:

                      • sfc /scannow

                      See this page https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/929833/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system

                      And then, please try to reregister this DLL (see previous posts). Meanwhile, we are going to inspect “Window 7 Enterprise” (please let me know is it X86 or X64?) and replicate your issue.

                      Thank you,
                      ZAPTEST Team

                      Nav Qamar

                        It’s x64 edition.

                        Thank AndreySh, really appreciate your time & help.

                        I’ll try the scan as you’ve suggested. Thank you.

                        Nav Qamar

                          Hi AndreySh.

                          I’ve performed the check & have had the following returned:

                          Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

                          According to the link you provided, this suggests that there are not any missing or corrupted system files.

                          Valentin ZAP

                            Hello Nqamar!

                            Thank you for letting us know! Let us inspect exactly your version of Windows OS. We will provide information as soon as possible how to get these missing files.

                            Thank you,
                            ZAPTEST Team

                            Nav Qamar

                              Thank you AndreySh. Really appreciate it.

                              I look forward to your response.

                              I’m ready to sign off for the day, so hope you have a good weekend.

                              Valentin ZAP

                                Hello Nqamar!

                                We have inspected this issue on Windows 7 Enterprise version. It works on “clean” version, but we replicated your problem by completing removing “pdm.dll” from our system. We have resolved this issue by installing “VS Remote Tools”.

                                This library contains some Microsoft products (VS, Office, etc) which use a scripting engine. So, we recommend you to install the latest version of “Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2017” to resolve your problem.

                                You could download the latest version here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads. Scroll down the page and expand “Tools for Visual Studio 2017“, where you could find “Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2017” (at the bottom). This is a free tool from Microsoft and this tool contains the latest “pdm.dll”.

                                Please restart your system after installation. This package installs and registers “pdm.dll” library.

                                Let us know if it helps you.

                                Thank you,
                                ZAPTEST Team

                                Nav Qamar

                                  Hi AndreySh.

                                  That solution worked an absolute treat. I’ve been able to run the demo automation.

                                  Hopefully now I can get cracking on some other automation, without any issues!

                                  At least I’ll be safe in the knowledge that help is at hand if I do.

                                  Really appreciate all your help. 🙂

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