Validate (Assert) numerical data from rest request

Validate (Assert) numerical data from rest request

Home Forums Ask Expert Validate (Assert) numerical data from rest request

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  • #32348
    Alan Carr


      I have been using the “check list” feature to validate the response from a rest api’s. I now wish to use numeric comparison such as greater / less than / equal to etc of the returned data Eg the returned data = 5 and I wish to compare less than or equal to 5.

      I am using zap test in the non scripted mode..

      Valentin ZAP

        Hello Alan!

        Fo non-scripted mode you can use write a “Regular Expression” to validate number (less/equal). To use Regular Expressions in ZAPTEST method, don’t forget to enable “Use RegExps” method property.

        Current SCRIPT-LESS version doesn’t have an alternative way to compare number.

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

        Valentin ZAP

          Hello Alan!

          PS. You can use If/Else conditions for comparing some specific results. Please refer to Script-Less tutorials, how to write such script and use variables in Script-Less mode.

          Thank you,
          ZAPTEST Team

          Alan Carr


            I’m confused, I’m using step view with reg exp true.

            I have my “check list” how do I enter into the check list my conditions for numeric data

            p.s What is the difference between SCRIPT-LESS and non scripted are they not the same ?

            Valentin ZAP

              Hello Alan!

              Yes, Script-Less and Non-Scripted sentences have the same meaning.

              For checking value you could write a simple regular expression, where:

              d - numbers 0-9
              1d - numbers 10-19
              2[0-5] - numbers 20-25
              (x|y|z) - one of x, y or z

              So, in your case, you can accept only 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 numbers, which is “[0-5]“.

              Thank you,
              ZAPTEST Team

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