Hello ajay.sathyanarayana,
This may be because of the following reasons:
1. There may be a problem with your system requirements (Such as with the NET Framework version) – These are the recommended system requirements for ZAPTEST, please make sure your machine is compatible with ZAPTEST:
OS: Windows 7 or higher
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: 1.5 GB
Libraries: .Net Framework 4.7.1
2. After installing ZAPTEST, some machines need to be restarted – Please restart your machine and try again:
If this will not help, uninstall ZAPTEST, delete all its directories, install again ZAPTEST and restart the machine.
3. If you create a test in Script view and then you click on Step view all the testing script in Script view will be deleted – This is because the Step view is a separate option to create test which is not related to the Script view.