Script contents are not displayed all of a sudden.

Script contents are not displayed all of a sudden.

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  • #31959
    Ajay Srivathsa


      I have started to explore the tool with free edition, in that created few steps in the script mode. All of a sudden script content goes blank. Unable to retrieve anything. If i try to create a new script then i get option to edit.
      Can anyone help me out on this problem???


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello ajay.sathyanarayana,

        This may be because of the following reasons:

        1. There may be a problem with your system requirements (Such as with the NET Framework version) – These are the recommended system requirements for ZAPTEST, please make sure your machine is compatible with ZAPTEST:
        OS: Windows 7 or higher
        Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
        RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
        Hard disk space: 1.5 GB
        Libraries: .Net Framework 4.7.1

        2. After installing ZAPTEST, some machines need to be restarted – Please restart your machine and try again:
        If this will not help, uninstall ZAPTEST, delete all its directories, install again ZAPTEST and restart the machine.

        3. If you create a test in Script view and then you click on Step view all the testing script in Script view will be deleted – This is because the Step view is a separate option to create test which is not related to the Script view.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Diego Bacigalup Vértiz

          Are you planning to relate both? It would be very useful. Some times works correctly, and sometimes it’s all gone.

          3. If you create a test in Script view and then you click on Step view all the testing script in Script view will be deleted – This is because the Step view is a separate option to create test which is not related to the Script view.

          Valentin ZAP

            Hello Diegobacigalup!

            Single project can be only in “Scripted” (Script tab) or “Script-Less” (Step tab) mode. But script by script you could combine the logic: “login.zap” could be scripted and “fill_form.zap” could be script-less.

            There is no planned option to combine both type in a single script: Enterprise edition has ability to use master script which can call child scripts (scripted or script-less).

            Let us know, if you still have a questions.

            Thank you,
            ZAPTEST Team

            hay ho

              I thought there was an auto-save option. If there isn’t, can you add one? You may loose a few hours of work with a bad click! Besides, when the script starts, it should ask or auto-save.

              Kirill Bulatnikov

                Hey otehrani_2003
                ZAPTEST has auto-save for sure
                You can adjust auto-save frequency – proceed to Tools – Options – Auto Saving. Also link to the auto-saved projects folder presented here.

                Hope that helps.
                ZAPTEST Team.

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