How RPA Displaces Outsourcing?

⬇️ The leading sector disrupted by RPA technology is the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. It was once common for companies, businesses, and enterprises to outsource front-to-back-office processes to other countries to reap the benefits of cheaper labor...

RPA & Cognitive Computing

⬇️ In addition, cognitive computing can enhance RPA technology since it can handle large amounts of data, which can help organizations make decisions based on data. While AI enhances the benefits of RPA similarly, unlike AI, cognitive computing still requires human...

Challenges of Robotic Process Automation

⬇️ The benefits of Robotic Process Automation services are considerable, making it seem almost foolish for a company to stay away from RPA automation. But, even RPA technology, like every solution that presents itself as a cure-all, has its challenges, drawbacks, and...

RPA & Cognitive Computing

⬇️ Many confuse cognitive computing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) because of its design; however, cognitive computing is actually a subcategory of AI.

The Impact: Present & Future of RPA on Employment

⬇️ As we know, successful implementation of RPA technology requires a shift in roles and responsibilities within an organization’s structure. But how do RPA’s current capabilities and performance replace humans?