Cannot find textbox object on a Logon Dialog box

Cannot find textbox object on a Logon Dialog box

Home Forums Ask Expert Cannot find textbox object on a Logon Dialog box

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    Andrew Chan

      Hi, I am using zaptest’s Relative Object to have it recognize a logon Dialog box of a eclipse application but failed. It is crutial for the script to be able to type a password in that field to logon. I have tried to have it relate to many text objects but none of them seem to get the textbox correctly recognized… Please help! (note: see sceenshot of how it looks like)

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello and thanks for interesting in ZAPTEST

        Can you please provide your script *.zap file and I will check what may be wrong.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Andrew Chan

          attaching zap file. Thanks.

          Kirill Bulatnikov

            Here you go. Try improved version.
            Sometimes when you have many objects close to another it is hard to recognize it as a separate objects. In this case you need to use “OCR Partial” recognition type.

            Andrew Chan

              no luck… I see from the recognized image that it is still bouncing everywhere (see attachment)

              Kirill Bulatnikov

                OK, probably that login dialog loaded with tiny delay and ZAPTEST trying to type to nonexistent item. Can you try to insert “wait 2” statement prior to populating a password.
                Also you may try another version slightly edited by me.

                Andrew Chan

                  actually i think from the screenshot I can see a corner of the Login dialog box already. I just tried your v2 script, the parent password object is found but still not able to relate to the textbox. Attaching the result.

                  Kirill Bulatnikov

                    Can you please share your test scenario with recorded video in it (I can see you are using recorder)?

                    You can also try another one slightly updated script:

                    Andrew Chan

                      Tried v3. still no luck. I have attached in v4 the recorded scenario so you can see the sequence of the pop ups. Thanks for your continuous support.

                      Kirill Bulatnikov

                        Can you please try next one script version – attached. I set another anchor for password text field and also added few lines to isolate a problem as it possible. If password will not populate this time – can you please provide screenshot of expanded result report.

                        Andrew Chan

                          Hi, still no luck. Attached the screenshot of the report. Thanks.

                          Kirill Bulatnikov

                            Got it.
                            Please try next one version

                            If this still no good you can try WA – comment line 13 and uncomment line 16.

                            ZAPTEST Team

                            Andrew Chan

                              Hi, I tried the v6 and also tried your {tab} way but both didn’t work. However I realized something this time. For all the commands on the diaglog box (whether it being exist/type/click) none of it has the sign in diaglog box in focus! I recorded another view based on the dialog box and created the Sign In title bar as an object to show you what I mean. When in focus the Sign In title bar should be blue.

                              Kirill Bulatnikov

                                You can try insert following line to the script after line 11

                                Application(“ISSP Client”).SetProperty “regexpwndtitle”, “Sign In”

                                and then try to run script once again.

                                BTW didn’t you try to scan application itself and not from the recorder?

                                Andrew Chan

                                  I tried inserting the setproperty line into the script but that makes it failed when looking for the ‘Sign In’ titlebar object. Attaching the script here and let me know if I have done something wrong.

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