Test steps reported passed when not

Test steps reported passed when not

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  • #32168
    denice thornton


      I am testing a login process that, when login is clicked from the test webpage, a pop up authentication modal is launched. The tests were working earlier, but now, the first 2 steps shown below quickly get reported as passed even though the UI has not completed loading and the login button never really gets clicked, resulting in the test hanging at the 3rd step:
      ‘click login
      Application(“APP”).View(“Login page”).Object(“Login Button”).Exist
      Application(“APP”).View(“Login page”).Object(“Login Button”).Click

      ‘login with Chrome
      Application(“APP”).View(“Chrome Authentication”).Object(“Username”).Object(“Chrome UN text field”).Exist

      any suggestions?


      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello Denice. Thanks for using ZAPTEST.

        WHen you’re operating with pop-up window it may appear that new window has different application properties, so you may try to re-scan initial screen and pop-up screen to different “Applications”

        Hope that helps.

        ZAPTEST Team.

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