Impersonation Level is Invalid: 0x80070542

Impersonation Level is Invalid: 0x80070542

Home Forums ZAPTEST Best Practices Impersonation Level is Invalid: 0x80070542

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  • #32042
    Valentin ZAP


      If you get the following error regarding the impersonation – it could be the problem with wrong registered Machine Debug Manager:


      It means that we have installed the mdm (Machine Debug Manager) from VS2002 (which is not used anymore). To fix it we should perform the following steps:

      1. Disable MDM service
          [li]Open system services window: click “Start” -> then type “services” and select it (or find this console via “Control Panel” -> “Administrative Tools”):
      2. Click right mouse click on ” Machine Debug Manager” and open “Properties”
      3. Stop the service (click the stop button) and disable it (change the status Type)


      4. [/li]

      5. Reregister system DCOM MDM
          [li]Open cmd as an Administrator: click “Start” -> type “cmd” -> right mouse click -> “Run As Administrator”
      6. Register the server:
        [li]WIN 32 (x86): type the command:
        [li]mdm.exe /regserver
      7. [/li]

      8. WIN 64 (x64): type the following (we have to change the directory to SysWOW64):
          [li]cd ..SysWOW64
      9. mdm.exe /regserver

      10. [/li]


      11. Restart the computer.
      12. [/ul]


      13. Work with ZAPTEST. If you get access issues, please check DCOM permissions (Run -> “dcomcnfg” -> Find “Machine Debug Manager”)
          [li]Go to: “Component Services” -> “Computers” -> “My Computer” -> “DCOM Config” -> “Machine Debug Manager”
      14. Right mouse click -> select “Properties”


      15. Open “Security” tab and recheck permissions. Try to add everyone to understand that it’s a permission issue.
      16. [/li]

      Thank you,
      ZAPTEST Team

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