ZapTest not properly mapping GUI.

ZapTest not properly mapping GUI.

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    don baechtel

      🙁 I have a Desktop application that has a Window with 7 nearly identical Tabs along the top. I need ZapTest to Click each of these Tabs in turn. It is unable to do so.
      Looking at the GUI Map, you can see that ZapTest did not map all 7 tabs the same.

      How do I get ZapTest to map the Tabs properly and to click each of the tabs in turn?

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello dbaechtel. Thanks for using ZAPTEST.
        Your GUI is really not easy to work with. Many objects are slightly faded and hard to recognize even with an eye. My suggestions is to use couple of significant OCR (textual) objects and then set up number of related objects that are on the certain position related to these parent textual objects.
        For the OCR objects please note that text color is not black – then please use Text Color property and select actual text color. Also play with Color Tolerance and Gamma property to make sure text looks like black letters on the white background on a preview.

        Hope that helps.
        ZAPTEST Team

        don baechtel

          Why does ZapTest need an OCR to generate the GUI Map?

          Kirill Bulatnikov

            Hello dbaechtel
            In fact GUI map is just one of the tool of the ZAPTEST application. Depending on what you have in your AUT interface it may recognize objects as a text or as a picture. Also we operating with lists/tables there.
            When you scanning AUT GUI it saves it to the project’s repository as a view and objects are scans/recognizes automatically during the scan – you can either keep all of it or remove most of the objects and keep the only objects you need.

            Hope that helps.

            ZAPTEST team.

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