
Running test scripts through Jenkins

Running test scripts through Jenkins

Home Forums Ask Expert Running test scripts through Jenkins

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Valentin ZAP.
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  • #31556
    abhinav kumar

      I have created ZAPTEST test script and want to run that using my local jenkins. For that I am using the below command. This command opens ZAPTEST tool and runs the test when executed from CMD. But in Jenkins when I enter the same command and execute the Build, it fails to open the tool and run the test script.

      “C:Program Files (x86)ZAP-fiXStandaloneZAPTEST.exe” -r “C:UsersAbhinav_Kumar19DesktopServiceSummary_SubLevel_v2.0_Arun.zap”

      Kindly check and revert.

      Warm Regards

      abhinav kumar

        Any update ?

        Valentin ZAP

          Hello Abhinavmalviya1992!

          Could you show what you exactly configured in Jenkins? (you could attach screenshots).

          Also, please, watch the video – How To Use Jenkins Integration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb6aoa_u8-0

          Thank You,
          ZAPTEST Team

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